Best Food for French Bulldogs: Our Top Pick
New puppy parents have tons of questions and most of these are centered around what the best food for French Bulldogs is and how to care for their new French Bulldog puppy! Every breeder has their own tried and true products that they recommend to their customers and we are no different. On this page I am listing the products that we personally use here at Must Be Frenchies. Every product on this page has been purchased and used (even abused!) by us so we feel confident you will find these items to be of good quality and will serve a long life. Some of these products do have purchase links through Amazon, we LOVE Amazon and have found their delivery to be very fast, they are also incredible at accepting returns if the product is not exactly what you thought it would be.
Best Food For French Bulldogs
First and foremost is what French Bulldog food you decide to feed your new baby. We suggest TLC Pet Food for our Frenchies as we think it is the best French Bulldog food you can buy! We do ask that you order at least 2 bags of TLC Pet Food as this is what our puppies are eating everyday, it is best to keep your new puppy on this food during their transition. Please feed at least 2 bags of this French Bulldog Food before changing to something new, remember to change food slowly and mix the new food with the old food slowly over a few weeks so as not to upset the tummy, if diarrhea results cut back on the new food and increase the old food until the transition is complete. Sudden food changes WILL cause loose stool and upset tummy. |
French Bulldog Vitamins
NuVet Labs™' main purpose is to help increase your pet's longevity and quality of life. NuVet for Canines provides the very best human-grade, natural ingredients available and utilizes the latest advances in medical, veterinary and nutritional science. We pledge to adhere to the highest standards in products and services. Our goal is to maintain a lasting and caring relationship with our family of NuVet Plus™ customers and the pets they love. NuVet Plus is a long-term nutritional supplement that should be given to the companion pet daily. Testimonials and independent testing have indicated that using NuVet Plus™ will boost the immune system, thereby presenting a front line of defense against the damaging effects of free radicals. Additionally, there are many reports of the remarkable improvements in the skin and coats of the animals using NuVet Plus™. We offer a money-back guarantee if any customer is not happy with the results received from using NuVet Plus or NuJoint Plus. For ordering information just click the NuVet picture or click this link: |